Kes Bunuh Diri Di Jambatan Penang, Mangsa 24 Tahun, Belum Ditemui

Sumber: Google
Malaysia – Seorang pegawai operasi di Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Prai, Zulkhuari Abdul Rahman, telah menerima panggilan kecemasan tentang seseorang yang telah melompat daripada Jambatan Penang pada 23 August 2020 (Ahad).
Mangsa yang berumur 24 tahun itu masih belum ditemui.
Hanya kereta Perodua Bezzanya yang berwarna merah berserta telefon bimbitnya ditinggalkan pada titik 2.2KM di jambatan itu.
Seksyen komen dipenuhi dengan kerisauan dan cadangan netizen tentang situasi tersebut.

Sumber: Facebook
Namun, ianya menghairankan mengapa ada beberapa netizen yang mengaitkan unsur paranormal dengan kes itu.

Sumber: Facebook
Luahan wartawan: This is a genuine concern as there is a steady increase of suicide cases recently. What makes it even more creepy and worrying, is that the guy in this article is my age!
I used to think that there is no support or help out there because I had similar thoughts in the past as well after my late dad’s passing.
But, it turns out that I’ve been around people who are not well versed in this aspect. (specifically, ignorant assholes who think it’s a joke when we voice out to them OR like the ones in the comment section that relate this jump to the paranormal…)

I urge anyone who has suicidal tendencies or depression to look for help, specifically, from a source that you can trust without any backlash.
We are always asked to seek help but it is essential that we seek the “correct” source of help, with no judgement.
A small and solid support circle is better than a big one. Therefore, do contact the 24-hour hotline below if you need a listening ear.
Samaritans of Singapore: 1800-221-4444