Lady On Train Holiday Scene Turns Out To Be Clever Prank

Thanks to the pandemic, travelling the world has been put on an infinite hiatus for now so naturally, people miss going on getaways. A recent TikTok where a young lady, Dini Yunitasari, chronicled her “wanderlust” blew up because people could relate to her predicament.
In the video, it could be seen that Dini was apparently on a train, enjoying the view while reading a book as she travelled towards her holiday destination. What made it funnier was the voiceover that made a really unconventional train chugging sound.

However, at the end of the video, it became clear that it was just a dream that has yet to manifest. Dini is actually kneeling on the floor, beside a flatscreen TV, with a towel hanging as the curtain, displaying the beautiful green scenery.

The comments section was filled with people who really thought she was able to travel only to realize that they’ve been pranked.

Frankly, it was the way she was kneeling that made it funny because it shows effort in trying to simulate “seating in a train”.

For now, Switzerland is a distant dream.

There were also some comments by netizens that weren’t as entertained, parked under an editorial which covered it. They didn’t see the humour in it, saying that the one who shared it is easily amused and it could be due to a lack of affection.

It is the pandemic and everyone is fatigued by now, let them find humour in the littlest things if it helps keep them sane.

Alas, there is a glimmer of hope upon the horizon as certain countries are opening borders to ensure the travel and tourist industry recovers. The most important thing is to get vaccinated and to learn to live with the ‘rona like it’s the common flu.
Reporter’s Opinions: I have to give the woman A for effort because I am sure the video took many takes for it to look that flawless.

To kneel for that long, it’s good cardio but tiring.

I am sure a lot of us miss travelling and have had our plans stalled for a year over now thanks to some dude who decided to eat a bat and fucked it all up.

I kid, but yeah the longing is real. Hopefully we can all see other cities and beaches soon.
For the salty asses, let people find humour where they can. You wanna be a sour puss, that’s your problem. Don’t infect others with your negativity.
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