Public events and assemblies related to the Israel-Hamas war will be rejected according to a joint statement released by SPF and Nparks.
Public events and assemblies related to the Israel-Hamas war will be rejected according to a joint statement released by SPF and Nparks. The police cited public safety and security concerns as the main reasons why such assemblies will not be permitted. They went on to mention the numerous incidents of violence reported around the world in relation to the ongoing war.

Speaking to Zaris and Indriana, the organisers of the Peace Rally for Palestine, they expressed their disappointment and disheartenment at the inability to carry on and said that they will continue to look for other means to express their support for the cause.Â

They also urged others to sign the petition they started online for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The petition has garnered over 9500 signatures at the time of writing. One of the main points they hope to achieve is to call for an end to occupation, blockade, and the denial of basic human rights and essentials for the Palestinians.
Netizens were divided over the statement, some expressing their disappointment and others agreeing that it may pose a security concern for the public if the rallies were approved.