Targeted content for different generations

Social media has grown over the years with new apps developing over time to cater to different audiences. In the early 2000s, there was a boom in the launch of several social networking sites. These included LinkedIn in 2003, Facebook shortly after in 2004, Twitter in 2006 and Instagram in 2010. To date, Facebook has over two billion users worldwide, Twitter with over 300-million users, and Instagram over 1.6 billion users. Leading platform for short-form video, TikTok launched internationally in 2017, with over 1.7 billion users as of 2023. Gen X, Gen Z and millennials are the common groups who utilise the growing social media industry albeit for different purposes. However, we cannot discount the presence of Boomers in social media. Based on a study by the Pew Research Centre, users aged 65 years and older make up Facebook’s fastest growing demographics. Generations and their social media choices Gen Z - those born between 1996 and 2015 - are digital natives, born into a time of social media. A survey by the Pew Research Centre also found that Gen Zs are more visual learners and are driven by visual content. They use social media to share daily life updates, develop personal branding, and communicate with friends. They’re also more prone to make the most of micro-moments, often checking their newsfeeds and applications, making them regular consumers of short-form content. Their social platforms of choice include Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and Snapchat. Millennials - people born between 1981 to 1995 - are considered more educated and technologically advanced than previous generations. They’re more adaptable, especially being born on the cusp of ‘before the internet’ and after. This generation is more focused on social issues. Instead of being overly-reliant on technology, millennials are more commonly found using technology to get their jobs done. It is also a generation that has witnessed multiple changes. Their social media usage revolves around staying connected with friends and family, staying informed about different world issues, sharing content, and finding something entertaining to read or watch. Social platforms of choice for millennials include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. Social media also plays a big role in how millennials shop. Gen X social media consumers use social media for information, preferring a platform that is user-friendly, more visual, lets them communicate with ease, and provides them with a feeling of nostalgia. Over 95% of Gen X’ers use Facebook.
Finally, baby boomers use social media mainly to remain in contact with friends and family. They’ve spent the majority of their years relying on old media, and reconnecting is their biggest motive for being on social platforms.
What draws different generations into the different social media platforms?
A survey I conducted found that 75% of millennials still use Facebook. 67% said they use Facebook mainly for news, while the other 33% choose to keep Facebook for memes and entertaining content. Despite the commitment to Facebook, voters picked Instagram as their social platform of choice, and rated TikTok as the most successful platform.
[image from survey on IG] Millennial, Emily, explains why she thinks TikTok is highly successful. “The user interface makes it easier to search for the latest news and trending topics. Plus the features - TikTok shop for example - are quite good. Using videos makes it more captivating than purely static photos. But I think it isn’t the best place when it comes to educational materials, because information needs to be condensed. In terms of capturing or retaining, it does a pretty solid job.” Gen X business marketer Aiza remarks that her dad uses Facebook more frequently than she does. Although she uses Facebook as well, her platform of choice varies between Instagram and TikTok. “My dad prefers Facebook mostly to connect and message his kampung friends. My kids say that Facebook is for old people or boomers. TikTok is my preferred platform for marketing because there’s more of an audience, and there is a range of business tools there.” Lifestyle content creator H* promotes her content on both Instagram and TikTok. However, her reasoning for using Instagram despite the large audience on TikTok is a more emotional one. “I have a TikTok account mainly because I’m trying to be young, but it’s so hard. My heart is too sensitive for the TikTok crowd. The comments section is savage. Instagram comments are super encouraging. On TikTok, people tell me my husband is old and my stomach is fat.”
Knowing the target demographics on social media platforms have proved pivotal in an advertisers’ journey to cater to the right market. Social media is also no longer limited to a single generation, but to people of all ages.